Underground Loves


This documentary theater performance investigates the love relationships that were born within the anti-fascist struggle in Portugal, analyzing how it were able to survive the persecution of the fascist regime and, at the same time, were at the basis of the sustainability of that same struggle.

Many of these couples were able to have children, maintain their family life while participating in actions against the regim, police persecutions, informers, among others. At the same time, it investigates the false love relationships that were created to hide and maintain the appearances of people who secretly fought against fascism in Portugal.

Creative Team

Creation – André Amálio and Tereza Havlíčková
Movement – Tereza Havlíčková
Music Composed and Performed – Pedro Salvador e Joana Guerra
With – André Amálio, Pedro Salvador, Joana Guerra, Cheila Lima e Tereza Havlíčková
Light Design and Technical Direction – Joaquim Madaíl
Production – Patrícia Cuan

Coproduction – EGEAC
Coproduction Residency – O Espaço do Tempo
Artistic Residencies – LARGO Residências

Special thanks to AlmaSã, teatromosca teatro and all the people interviewed

Credits – Rita Fevereiro

© Hotel Europa