This is my love story


This is my love story is a documentary theater show in which real people tell their life stories of the struggle against fascism and Portuguese colonialism. We look at this recent past of resistance, but focusing attention on love and love relationships that were born within these struggles, analyzing how these relationships were able to survive the persecution of the Estado Novo and at the same time were at the base of the sustainability of these political and military combats. Both love and resistance will be seen in a broad and comprehensive way, we will look for stories between couples, but also between parents and children, between comrades and the most disadvantaged. Regarding the struggle against dictatorship and Portuguese colonialism, we will investigate testimonies of people who were underground, in exile, but also those who were part of the liberation movements of the former Portuguese colonies and also of small acts of resistance in daily life.

This work follows the 1st chapter, the video Now that we can’t be together, made for the commemorations of the 25th of April 2020, commissioned by the Official Residence of the Prime Minister with artistic curatorship by the 4 directors of the national theaters Tiago Rodrigues (TNDMII), Nuno Cardoso (TNSJ), Elisabete Matos (TNSC), Sofia Campos (CNB).

Creative Team

Creation – André Amálio
Co-creation and Movement – Tereza Havlíčková
With – André Amálio, Mariana Camacho, Armando Morais, Mariana Morais, Isabel do Carmo, Margarida Tengarrinha (video), Gouveia de Carvalho (video)
Musical Creation and Interpretation – Mariana Camacho
Stage Design and Costume – Ana Paula Rocha
Light Design and Technical Direction – Joaquim Madaíl
Creation Assistant – Ana Rita Ferreira
Video – Lydie Bárbara
Executive Production – Ana Lage, Ruana Carolina
Production – Hotel Europa

Co-production – Teatro Nacional Dona Maria II

© Filipe Ferreira