The Children of Colonialism

We are talking about a profoundly moving and beautiful show…

— Observador


In her book, The Generation of Postmemory, Marianne Hirsch defines the concept of “postmemory” as the relationship that one generation has with the experiences of the previous generation, transmitted through the stories, images and behaviour of those she grew up with. A kind of second-hand memory. In The Children of Colonialism, Hotel Europa investigates the relationship that the generations born after the 25 April revolution have with Portuguese colonialism. The show is performed by the interviewed people (non-actors) that discuss their own biographies and the memories that were transmitted to them from these times. This performance offers a profound reflection on how the colonial past is manifested in Portugal and Europe nowadays, and in the movements that still require the decolonization of the history and thought of the old imperial countries.

Creative Team

Creation – André Amálio and Tereza Havlíčková
Co-creation and Movement – Tereza Havlíčková
With – Celise Manuel, Cláudia Cláudio, Joana Mealha dos Santos, Paulo Estrela Janganga, Patrícia Cuan e Soraia Ismael
Scenography and Costume Design – Maria João Castelo
Light Design and Techical Direction – Joaquim Madaíl
Executive Production – Joana Costa Santos

Co-production – Culturgest e Teatro Municipal do Porto – Rivoli
Artistic Residencies – DeVIR/CAPa – Centro de Artes Performativas do Algarve e O Espaço do Tempo
Thanks to – Biblioteca de Marvila e LARGO Residências

Photos – Vera Marmelo
Video – Alexander David and Luís Mata Henriques

Special thanks to all the people interviewed

If there is something bounding the six protagonists it is the urge to learn more about their past and the willingness to dig in those delicate grounds

— Público

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