Climate Emergency
Climate Emergency is the order of the day, with scientists attributing several natural disasters around the world to climate change. Various activists are demanding urgent changes in our relationship with the planet, while governments insist on not putting in place measures that could reverse this situation. This performance puts the life stories of climate activists on stage, seeking to learn about their personal histories, the beginnings of their struggles, their motivations, how this ‘urgency’ has changed their lives, how they live, what they do, what they want, what they dream of.
Armed Struggle
Armed Struggle continues Hotel Europa’s investigation into the recent past, analysing the political projects that used violent actions, such as bank robberies, bombings, sabotage, etc., as a form of struggle.
Mine Tribunal
Staging a “theatrical” court made by the population of São Pedro da Cova, to once again analyse one of the biggest environmental crimes committed in Portugal. Co-production – Culturgest; Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and La Caixa Foundation, through the PARTIS & Art for Change programme PARTIS & Art for Change programme; São João National Theatre.
The Mine
The struggle of the miners of São Pedro da Cova and the confrontation with environmental crime without a resolution in sight.
This is my love story
Documentary theater performance in which real people tell their life stories of the struggle against fascism and Portuguese colonialism, focusing on love and the love relationships that were born within these struggles.
Eastern Loves
The lives of young anti- fascist that benefited from eastern bloc countries’ scholarships. Coproduction with Culturgest (Lisbon, Portugal), Thêátre de La Ville (Paris, France), euro-scene Festival (Leipzig, Germany).
Perfect Match
Perfect Match is a documentary theater play about the importance of love and love relationships in the migrations that marked the 20th century in Portugal. Coproduction with FITEI and Temps d’Image.
Children of Evil
A performance with testimonies of the children of people who resisted the fascist oppression and children of the agents of this same repression. Coproduction with Teatro Municipal São Luiz
Underground Loves
A performance about love relationships of people that fought underground against the Portuguese Fascist regime. Coproduction with EGEAC.
Now That We Cannot Be Together
This performance-video celebrates the 25th of April through the stories of people who fought and resisted against the Portuguese dictatorship and colonialism.
The End Of Portuguese Colonialism
The End of Portuguese Colonialism is a thirteen hours performance reflecting on Portuguese colonialism and the thirteen years of colonial war.
The Children of Colonialism
A performance by the interviewed people that discuss their own biographies and the memories that were transmitted to them from the colonial period.
Post-Colonial Loves
Post-Colonial Loves aims to reflect on love as a political and utopian space discussing what it meant to love in the colonial and postcolonial space.
Liberation reflects upon the post-memory transmitted across generations and analyses how colonialism is seen today.
This work investigates the consequences that the process of independences of ex-Portuguese colonies had on the lives of thousands of people.
Portugal Is Not A Small Country
Portugal Is Not A Small Country reflects on the European dictatorships and their presence in Africa, through the testimonies of ex-Portuguese settlers.