The End Of Portuguese Colonialism
The End of Portuguese Colonialism is a thirteen hours durational performance made by the director and actor André Amálio that invites everyone to dive into the colossal archive of memories that were not only the foundation of the investigation from which the documental theatre company developed its work but also the basis of Amálio's Ph.D. thesis “Rewriting History through Post-Colonial Documental Theatre”. It is a profound world made of maps, books, videos, family pictures, war documents, and more than a hundred interviews to people who lived the colonial period that is now reborn through the shape of an installation room and this artistic performance. Thirteen hours of theatre, history, and reflection on the Portuguese colonialism representing the thirteen years of colonial war made by the liberation movements.
Creation and Performed - André Amálio
Co-creation and Movement - Tereza Havlíčková
Set Design - Maria João Castelo
Light Design - Joaquim Madaíl
Executive Production - Joana Costa Santos
Co-production - Culturgest
Support - Fundação GDA
Photos - Bruno Castro / Culturgest
Video - Alexander David and Luís Mata Henriques
Special thanks to all the people interviewed
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