
‘Liberation’ revisits the memories of war to better understand Portuguese colonialism.

— Gerador


The performance Liberation addresses the most traumatic issue of Portuguese recent colonial history: the wars of independence in Africa. This performance looks at these historical events from the point of view of the African freedom fighters and their actions in Angola, Guinea-Bissau and Mozambique. It also discusses the impact that these wars had on the Portuguese fascist regime – Estado Novo (New State) that led to the downfall of the dictatorship. The performance is devised from the real live testimonies from ex-soldiers of the wars, interwoven with material extracted from a rigorous archival research on this subject and also analyzing the political discourses from both sides of the war, particularly the speeches of António Oliveira Salazar, Amílcar Cabral, Marcello Caetano, Eduardo Mondelane, Agostinho Neto, Holden Roberto, Jonas Savimbi, Samora Machel. Liberation reflects upon the post-memory transmitted across generations and analyses how colonialism is seen today.

Creative Team

Devised and Directed – André Amálio
Co-Devised and Movement – Tereza Havlíčková
Performers – André Amálio, Lucilia Raimundo and Nelson Makossa (Ricardo Cruz)
Music Selection – Nelson Makossa
Light Design – Joaquim Madaíl
Set Design and Costumes – Maria João Castelo
Production – Hotel Europa

Co-production – Maria Matos Teatro Municipal
Support to the Artistic Residencies – Alkantara, O Espaço do Tempo, DeVIR/CaPA, LARGO Residências

Photos – Bruno Simão
Video – Maria Joana Figueiredo
Special thanks to all interviewers

Liberation is a project financed by Governo de Portugal – Ministry of Culture | DGArtes

© Bruno Simão