Climate Emergency
Climate Emergency is the order of the day, with scientists attributing several natural disasters around the world to climate change. Various activists are demanding urgent changes in our relationship with the planet, while governments insist on not putting in place measures that could reverse this situation. This performance puts the life stories of climate activists on stage, seeking to learn about their personal histories, the beginnings of their struggles, their motivations, how this ‘urgency’ has changed their lives, how they live, what they do, what they want, what they dream of.
Armed Struggle
Armed Struggle continues Hotel Europa’s investigation into the recent past, analysing the political projects that used violent actions, such as bank robberies, bombings, sabotage, etc., as a form of struggle.
Mine Tribunal
Staging a “theatrical” court made by the population of São Pedro da Cova, to once again analyse one of the biggest environmental crimes committed in Portugal. Co-production – Culturgest; Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and La Caixa Foundation, through the PARTIS & Art for Change programme PARTIS & Art for Change programme; São João National Theatre.