Children of Evil


The Children of Evil explores the relationship that the generations grown or born after April 25th 1974 (revolution that ended the dictatorship regime) have with Estado Novo (dictatorship regime) and what memories were transmitted to them from that same past. The performance reflects in particular on the regime’s opponents “children” and confronts them with others, whose “parents” were supporters of the Portuguese dictatorship. On the stage, the “performers” are real people, found through the process of collecting testimonies, representing their own stories.

Hotel Europa creates its new documentary theatre performance from the concept of “post-memory”, as defined by Marianne Hirsch in her book Postmemory Generation: “the relationship that the ‘generation after’ bears to the personal, collective, and cultural trauma of those who came before — experiences they “remember” only by means of the stories, images, and behaviours among which they grew up.

This is the second performance of this cycle that started in 2019 with Children of Colonialism.

Creative Team

Creation – André Amálio
Co-Creation and Movement – Tereza Havlíčková
Assistent Direction – Cheila Lima
With – Ana Rita Ferreira, Ana Sartóris, João Esteves, Marta Salazar Fernandes, Paulo Quedas e Rita Tomé
Cenography – Sara Franqueira
Music Composition – Pedro Salvador
Light Design and Technical Direction – Joaquim Madaíl
Production – Hotel Europa
Executive Production – Maria João Santos

Co-production – São Luiz Teatro Municipal / EGEAC

Thanks to Rui Simões, Vitor Lima, Bombeiros Voluntários de Pinhal Novo and to all the relatives that generously shared their story

Photography – Estelle Valente

© Estelle Valente