Eastern Loves
This project focuses on the lives of Portuguese anti-fascists and freedom fighters from ex-colonies such as Angola, Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau and Cape Verde who, in their fights against the fascist colonial dictatorship, lived in Eastern European Socialist countries to receive training. What impact did the time spent on the other side of the Iron Curtain, sometimes lasting several years, have on their lives? Did it change their perception of communism? Some left the party after this experience. Others remained communists. Some also formed romantic relationships and started families on the other side of the Iron Curtain. Some of these families were actually torn apart with the collapse of communism in 1989.
Based on testimonies collected from those who lived through these situations and autobiographical stories of the performers (from Angola, Cape Verde, Czech Republic, Germany, Mozambique, Portugal) concerning their families or their own past in former Eastern Europe, this performance questions the interactions between love, family ties and politics.
Creation - André Amálio and Tereza Havlíčková
With - André Amálio, Andreia Galvão, Beatrice Cordier, Jorge Cabral, Mbalango, Tereza Havlíčková
Assistant Director - Cheila Lima
Light Design and Technical Direction - Joaquim Madaíl
Stage Design and Costumes - Ana Paula Rocha
Assistant Stage Designer - Aurora dos Campos
Musician - Mbalango
Executive Production - Maria João Santos / Ana Lage / Ruana Carolina
Co-production - Culturgest (Lisbon, Portugal), Thêátre de la Ville (Paris, France), euro-scene Festival (Leipzig, Germany)
Co-production Residencies - O Espaço do Tempo (Portugal), Armazém 22 (Portugal), euro-scene Festival (Germany), Passages Transfestival (France), Zero Point Festival (Czech Republic) and Schloss Bröllin (Germany)
Project financed by Fundo de Fomento Cultural and Internationalization support of República Portuguesa-Ministério da Cultura / DG Artes.
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